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Best Insurance Solutions

Insurance is crucial for protecting your financial well-being. Whether it’s life insurance, health insurance, auto insurance, or home insurance, the right coverage ensures peace of mind. Consider factors like coverage limits, deductibles, and premium costs. Research reputable insurance providers and compare policies to find the best fit for your needs.

Protection just a click away.

Term Insurance

Health Insurance

Home Insurance

Car Insurance

Bike Insurance

Travel Insurance

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Insurance on a click

You can buy a new insurance plan, renew your old policy, or port it to another insurer, everything is done online. Use any online payment gateway, pay the premium and get your policy instantly.

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Compare and customize your insurance plans offered by the top insurance companies. Choose your insurance cover, optional add-on covers, and riders as per your needs.

Claim Assistance

We believe in standing by your side when you need us. And so, you are backed by the highly motivated claims support team to help you at every step in filing claims.

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What is Insurance?

Insurance is a legal agreement between two parties i.e. the insurance company (insurer) and the individual (insured). In this, the insurance company promises to make good the losses of the insured on happening of the insured contingency. The contingency is the event which causes a loss. It can be the death of the policyholder or damage/destruction of the property. It’s called a contingency because there’s an uncertainty regarding happening of the event. The insured pays a premium in return for the promise made by the insurer.

Types of Insurance
Life Insurance General Insurance
Term Plan Motor Insurance
Moneyback policy Health Insurance
Unit-Linked Insurance Plan Home Insurance
Pension Plans Travel Insurance

Life insurance

As the name suggests, life insurance is insurance on your life. You buy life insurance to make sure your dependents are financially secured in the event of your untimely demise. Life insurance is particularly important if you are the sole breadwinner for your family or if your family is heavily reliant on your income. Under life insurance, the policyholder’s family is financially compensated in case the policyholder expires during the term of the policy.

Types of Life Insurance Policies
  • Term Plan: The death benefit from a term plan is only available for a specified period, for instance, 40 years from the date of policy purchase.
  • Endowement Plan: Endowment plans are life insurance policies where a portion of your premiums go toward the death benefit, while the remaining is invested by the insurance provider. Maturity benefits, death benefit and periodic bonuses are some types of assistance from endowment policies.
  • Unit Linked Insurance Plans or ULIPs: Similar to endowment plans, a part of your insurance premiums go toward mutual fund investments, while the remaining goes toward the death benefit.
  • Whole Life Insurance: As the name suggests, such policies offer life cover for the whole life of an individual, instead of a specified term. Some insurers may restrict the whole life insurance tenure to 100 years.
  • Child’s Plan: Investment cum insurance policy, which provides financial aid for your children throughout their lives. The death benefit is available as a lump-sum payment after the death of parents.
  • Money-Back: Such policies pay a certain percentage of the plan’s sum assured after regular intervals. This is known as survival benefit.
  • Retirement Plan: Also known as pension plans, these policies are a fusion of investment and insurance. A portion of the premiums goes toward creating a retirement corpus for the policyholder. This is available as a lump-sum or monthly payment after the policyholder retires.
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General Insurance

Insurance agreements that do not come under the ambit of life insurance are called general insurance. Following are the main different types of General Insurances in India:

  • Health Insurance
  • Car Insurance
  • Bike Insurance
  • Home Insurance
  • Travel Insurance
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Health Insurance

The Health Insurance cover offers protection for the medical expenses incurred due to hospitalization caused because of an accident or illnesses. Though every policy is different, based on who it's being obtained for, it largely covers:

  • Accidental Hospitalization (pre & post)
  • Accidental illness and hospitalization
  • Daycare procedures
  • Psychiatric Support
  • Annual Health Checkups
  • Daily Hospital Cash

The premium for the health insurance is charged on the basis of:

  • Age
  • Pre-existing illness
  • Lifestyle Habits
  • Type of coverage
  • Family health history
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Motor Insurance

Offering an instant liquidity, a personal loan is one of the most popular types of unsecured loans. However, since a personal loan is an unsecured mode of finance, the interest rates are higher compared to secured loans. A good credit score along with high and stable income ensures you can avail this loan at a competitive rate of interest. Personal loans can be used for one of the following purposes.

A Motor Insurance Policy is mandatory to be able to drive legally in India. Broadly there are two types:

A Third-Party Policy covers for losses faced in a situation where your vehicle damages any third-party such as a public property, person or third-party vehicle. The same is the minimum requirement to be able to drive legally in India, as stated by the Motor Vehicles Act.

A Comprehensive Package Policy covers both third-party damages and liabilities and damages/losses caused to you and your own vehicle. The losses may arise due to an accident, theft, fire, natural calamities, and others.

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